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Buy Great Produce At The Sienna Plantation Community Farmers Market

Buy Great Produce At The Sienna Plantation Community Farmers Market

Jan 22, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you love getting some great food at farmer’s markets, then you won’t want to miss the return of the Sienna Plantation’s Community Farmers Market, located in Sienna Plantation, Texas. The next day the market will be held is on January 28th, from 1 PM until 5 PM, but if you can’t make that date and time, you’ll have plenty of other opportunities this year, since this market is held once a month.

Fresh Produce And Family Fun

At the Sienna Plantation Community Farmers Market, you’ll get the opportunity to purchase plenty of locally home-grown fresh produce to serve your family. There will be plenty of fresh goods available for purchase and being sold by the growers. You’ll also get to witness plenty of live entertainment, and some great food and beverage options being served by food trucks.

This farmer’s market is open to the public, so it is free for you to attend. Of course, you’ll need to bring some cash with you so you can purchase some of the great produce, and also buy food and drinks from the food trucks if you get hungry. You’ll not only get the opportunity to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables, but you’ll also get to pick out some meats from places like Shriner Pork and Bison Meat Guy. Other food products will also be on hand to purchase, including great-tasting salsa and guacamole, and much more.

Farmer’s Market Dates And Times

The upcoming dates for the Sienna: Plantation Farmer’s Market is below:

  • January 28th
  • February 25th
  • March 25th
  • April 22nd
  • May 27th
  • June 24th
  • July 22nd
  • August 26th
  • September 23rd
  • October 28th
  • November 17th
  • December 15th

The times for Sienna: Plantation Farmer’s Market are:

  • Markets on Sundays, 1 PM to 5 PM.
  • Markets on Saturdays 3PM to 7 PM.

For more information about the Sienna: Plantation Farmer’s Market, please visit their website here.

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